The final episode of the Skate Moves series, following the development of the Wizard Skating style. Featuring Colin Brattey and Leon Basin. Filmed in Vancouver, Canada during the summer of 2016

Skate Moves Pt. 9

Colin, Stuart, and Leon inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt. 8

Colin and Stuart inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt. 7

Colin, Stuart, and Leon inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt. 5

Colin and Leon inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt. 4

Colin, Stuart, and Leon inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt. 3

Colin and Leon inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt. 2

Todd McInerney (from Mushroom Blading) joins Colin and Leon for more inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.

Skate Moves Pt.1

Colin and Leon inline skating on the Wizard NR (Natural Rocker) frame.